Waskasoo Bible Fellowship is hosting a Christmas Carol Sing again this year. There will be a great time of singing favorite Christmas songs together for about an hour followed by refreshments and special take home treat bags for each of the kids. Join us. Everyone is welcome.
Join us for games, crafts, bible lessons, and just good fun! Reserve a place at VBS by Pre-Registering …. After pre-registering, download the full registration form, complete it, then bring it on the first day of VBS.
Waskasoo Bible Fellowship invites you to join us for a community CHRISTMAS CAROL SING which will be followed by Christmas goodies for all.
On Sunday December 24th, 2017, our services will commence at 10:30 am
On December 25th 2016, Waskasoo Bible Fellowship will be joining with Balmoral Bible Chapel for Christmas Day Services.
This is a very special celebration of our week at Vacation Bible School. We will share memories, photos, singing, and a light lunch together.